Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Li Xiu Qi bullshits abt NaiNai's "frugality" (Frugal your Lao Bu CCB II)

(This article is by 李显涛, reproduced from Temasek Review. )



“奶奶向来十分节俭,连买一个简单的发刷都得经过谨慎的考虑。她们在东京逛一座七层楼的日用品商店Tokyo Hands,李夫人看中一把发刷,价格不高,但是她还是挣扎了一番才决定买下。当时她说:“我已经那么老了,有能力买下它”,然后付了钱,快快乐乐地离开。”


可是你只要记忆犹新,大概会记得她一口气买下两个或者三个单位乌节路Nassim Jade豪宅给自己的子女的大手笔 ****,据说不知道享有折扣的原因,是因为根本没有问价钱,也不必贷款,直接就还清了款项。同样的一个人,买一把梳子都要说:“我已经那么老了,有能力买下它”,然后付了钱,快快乐乐地离开?(Young Pay-And-Pay; She claimed she was unaware of the discount Hotel Properties had given her, because she did not even ask how much the condo costs! She did not have to take a loan and simply paid by cash to buy a million-dollars property whose price had been unknown to her! And this is the same person who, when buying just a comb had to consider: "I am already old, I can afford to buy it", and then pay and leave the shop happily? You believe such bullshit by Li Xiu Qi?)


**** 作者:德仁

1996 年,新加坡出现地产热,物业价格飙升,人们都在排队购置物业。而在这个时候新加坡的“旅店置业`”Hotel Property Ltd.(HPL)分别以5%和11%的优惠价出售 四座总价值数千万元豪宅给李氏父子,经手人是柯玉芝女士。付款方式是一次过现金付 清,完全不需抵押贷款。这次事件缘由‘旅店置业’在公开出售它的Nassim Jade翡翠阁和Scotts 28 两个物业前的三天前,邀请一些有关系的人士举行Soft Launching,李资政的弟弟祥耀是该公司的非执行董事,因利就便,邀请了柯玉芝女士参加了这次预卖会,她们一口气买下了有优惠价的大部分单位。造成许多后来者不得其门而入,因而议论纷纷,并且向新加坡交易所投诉,指责公司在未取得股东们的同意折价售卖公司物业。由于舆论压力,当时的吴作栋总理宣布设立三人小组来牵头调查,国会也准备进行辨论。就在万事具备时,‘旅店置业’却抢先召开记者会,解释他们公司以优惠价出售物业给李氏父子是因为希望有一个名人效应。据后来调查结果,参于这次预卖会的有老李妻,老李妹,老李弟,老李儿,老李女,老李甥,老李友等等。第二天,老李和老李儿在国会里七情八面地解释购买物业的原因不存在投资意图,也无意享受优待。都是妇道人家(婆媳俩)的愿望,为夫者全不知情。。 最后把所有优惠的费用全部捐献慈善作用。在这里,柯玉芝身为资深的产业律师难道不知道这些条条框框吗?为何明知故犯?为何 当时三缄其口,默不作声?为何自己不挺身辨解?这就是柯玉芝给国人留下深切的感动!

Young-PAP: Actually, that old bitch did not "三缄其口,默不作声". She produced a receipt from 10+ years ago showing that LKY had received a discount when he bought a car, to argue that receiving discount is something normal that they have always been doing for years, and thus could not be called a corruption. (But she dared not explain whether other civil servants, apart from her family, could receive such discounts without declaring and handing over the discounts!) She further told Singaporeans, via her husband's mouth in parliament, that she was very angry and that she thought Singaporeans were ungrateful to the Lee family for not allowing her whole extended family (including niece Kwa Kim Li etc) to buy several properties per family (she bought one, her daughter bought one, her son bought one, her brothers bought several etc) at 12-20% discounts before everyone else can buy the leftovers (if any) at regular price. (Ref: Frugal your lau bu CCB I)

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